Garlic Naan [Garlic Naan is already in English. It is a type of Indian bread flavored with garlic.] by andrescooking




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Garlic Naan is already in English. It is a type of Indian bread flavored with garlic.



20 min

Delicious bread, super easy to make and high in protein because it's made with kefir.

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6 Porciones




Picture for Garlic Naan [Garlic Naan is already in English. It is a type of Indian bread flavored with garlic.]

6 Porciones






For the Para el Pan

2 ½ Tazas Harina de Trigo

1 ½ Taza de Kefir

1 Cdta Levadura

1 Cdta Azucar

1 Cda Sal

2 Cdas Aceite de Oliva

For the Para la Mantequilla

Mantequilla con Sal

5 Dientes de Ajo



For the Bread

2 ½ cup Wheat Flour

1 ½ cup of Kefir

1 tsp Yeast

1 tsp Sugar

1 tbsp Salt

2 tbsp Olive Oil

For the Butter

Salted Butter

5 Garlic Cloves




Step 1

En un bol agrega harina, levadura, sal, azúcar y mezcla.

Step 2

Incorpora aceite de oliva, kefir y revuelve.

Step 3

Amasa hasta incorporar todo y deja reposar por 1 hora o hasta que doble su tamaño.

Step 4

Lleva a una superficie enharinada y amasa.

Step 5

Corta la masa en 6 porciones y haz bolitas.

Step 6

Aplana por todos lados con la ayuda de un Rodillo.

Step 7

Cocina en un Sartén a fuego medio por ambos lados.

Step 8

For the Para la Mantequilla

Step 1

Derrite en una olla la mantequilla agrega ajo, cilantro, y cocina por unos minutos.

Step 2

Con una brocha vierte la mantequilla sobre los panes y disfruta.


Step 1

In a bowl, add flour, yeast, salt, sugar and mix.

Step 2

Incorporate olive oil, kefir and stir.

Step 3

Knead until everything is incorporated and let it rest for 1 hour or until it doubles in size.

Step 4

Transfer to a floured surface and knead.

Step 5

Cut the dough into 6 portions and make balls.

Step 6

Flatten on all sides with the help of a rolling pin.

Step 7

Cook in a pan over medium heat on both sides.

Step 8

For the Butter

Step 1

Melt the butter in a pot, add garlic, cilantro, and cook for a few minutes.

Step 2

With a brush, pour the butter over the breads and enjoy.

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